About Us

Since its establishment in 2013, At-Language Edu. has been aiming at “Nurturing Our Next Generations”. We think what our students think, that’s why we employ small-class teaching which allows our teachers to cater for the needs of every student. We care about how children feel when they are learning on the one hand, we also put emphasis on the mutual communication between parents and teachers on the other. We provide intensive training for our teachers regularly and frequently, hoping not just to bring together the views and hopes of the parents, but also to create an interactive and pleasurable learning environment which enables us to keep enhancing both the “teaching” and “learning” standards.

At-Language Edu. 自2013年成立以來,一直致力於「悉心培育下一代」作為辦學的宗旨。基於以學生為本的理念,為了顧及每一位學生在課堂上的需要,我們實行了小班教學模式, 除了能夠關顧到孩子的學習感受之外,我們更重視與家長和學生的溝通;加上定期的強化師資培訓,定能使家長、學生和導師彼此配合, 互動融和,確保達至「教」與「學」的優良質素。